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Accounting Security

January 10, 2025 General:

  • MD Accounting (MDA) security is controlled by a separate table of users and rights that is separate from Smartforms and separate from POS, meaning that User IDs and user passwords are separately maintained from other Multidev systems.


  • Accounting Users

    • Users that must access MDA must be added and are updated in this module.
    • This module is accessible from: MDA – Corporate, Security, Accounting Users.
    • This module is also accessible through a standalone application.
  • Accounting Security

    • The rights for each user that has been set up in Accounting Users must be updated in Accounting Security for MDA applications/functions they need access to.
    • This module is accessible from: MDA – Corporate, Security, Accounting Security.
    • This module is also accessible through a standalone application.
  • Access Control


  • Accounting Users System, User Access Manager

  • Accounting Security System, Accounting Security Manager

  • Accounting Users


  • This tab will display all records on the EMPLOYEES table.
  • There are no updates allowed on this tab.
  • If the EMPLOYEE has been entered into the Accounting Users and/or Database Users tab, checkmarks will appear on the Employees tab.
  • NOTE: Multidev employees who are terminated in Smartforms (End Date) does NOT remove the user’s access to MDA.


  • User the + button to add users.
  • All of the information entered on this screen are unique to the MDA security table, i.e., the User Id does not have to match the employee’s payroll id or employ id in Smartforms, and a name must be entered, i.e., it is not drawn from the EMPLOYEES table.
  • The Employee column, however, is used to verify that a record exists (EMPLYID) in EMPLOYEES table AND this is the tie to Employees tab to toggle the Users and Database check boxes, i.e., you must use a valid (terminated or note) emplyid.
  • Note: Multiple Accounting User records can be with the same Employee value. Each user entered has a separate password and separate rights can be assigned. This functionality does not appear to have any value and may exist to limit the work needed in the application to prevent many to one records on this tab.
  • DB Id cannot have a leading numeric digit.
  • For the sake of consistency:
    • The User Id should be entered to match the Employee.
    • Names should be entered to be relatively the same
    • The DB Id is used to update Created by (CDU_) and Edited by (EDU_) columns on records created/edited in MDA applications. The MD_#### convention was adopted to provide consistency over User Ids that begin with a number (the DB Id value cannot have a number in the first position).


  • Database Users tab
    • Since records are added/deleted with additions/deletions from the Account Users tab, there is no need to provide instruction on this tab. However, you can manually add/edit/delete records from this tab, if necessary.
  • Accounting Security


  • Rights can be assigned or removed by simply dragging user names from one panel to the next.
  • We have not tried to investigate the value or using Read [only] Rights.
  • Strategies
    • Whoever takes responsibility for this task can chart their own course.
    • What has been started is the following:
      • Department Users
        • Departments
        • The general idea is that the rights for ALL users in each department would be established/maintained in these model users, then when a new employee is hired the rights are copied from that model user to the new employee.
        • Customization at the employee level can be done after the user has been given the model rights.
      • Staff “Augmentations”
        • Staff
          • ZMODEL – CFO
        • Additional rights could be given to these staff models and then when a new employee is hired in one of these positions, the staff model could be given and additional department security models.
        • OR, with limited staff in these positions and limited turnover, it may be easier to simply create a new user from one or more department models and then customize it at the user level.
  • Management and Auditing
    • See: O:\CFOGRP\Multidev\MD Accounting Effective Security Rights.xlsx


  • It should not be necessary to refresh the effective rights tab unless a new security right is added by Multidev.
  • This spreadsheet also uses an Informer export to pull in the rights assigned to each user. See: O:\CFOGRP\Multidev\Multidev - Accounting Security Dump.iqy

